Cooling at Dunbar Cave with James Parker
The Friends of Dunbar Cave present a show that will transport you back in time to the formative days of American music history that graced the dance floors and stage at Dunbar Cave!
James Parker (a Clarksville Native) imagined his voice and sound once entertaining folks who attended a dance or listened to the WSM radio broadcast. Many singers have performed at Dunbar Cave throughout history, and it was once owned by Roy Acuff. Growing up with the traditions of music, James Parker dreamed of fantastic show for you all, and that day is here -
September 7, 2024!
From all the eras of music that have graced these grounds, James Parker will guide us through this musical kaleidoscope that so many people have enjoyed at Dunbar Cave.
James Parker is a singer/songwriter that has a dynamic vocal range, soothing tones to ease the mind and a powerful throwback ability to rouse the country music enthusiasts. Come out and join us, raise funds for an important park, and have a great time with your friends and family.
This is a fundraising event that provides necessary support to projects and improvements at Dunbar Cave State Park. James Parker will play music at the mouth of the cave. The park will be closed to the general public during the event.
Gates open 6:00 p.m. James Parker plays 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Two ticketing options only:
General Admission CAR: Price is $65 per car (plus processing fees) and guarantees you a parking space. Fit as many people in your car as you have seatbelts for the same price of $65 per car (plus processing fees), and everyone in your car is included in the admission price. There are only 60 parking spaces, so we expect these to sell quickly.
Walk-In: Price is $25 per person (plus processing fees) for walk-ins. This is a great option if you live in a neighborhood close to the park. THERE IS NO PARKING FOR WALK-INS, and you cannot park on the public streets or on the streets in the neighborhoods surrounding the park. If you want to use an uber or lyft or have a friend drop you off, you can walk-in.
More information: All sales final. No refunds or exchanges. Event information will be updated on our website, including food options from food vendors who will be on site. This is a fundraising event. Please, do not bring outside food and drink except water, as we plan to have food vendors available for the event. Please note: There is a short walk from the parking area to the cave, approximately half a mile.
Thank you for supporting the Friends of Dunbar Cave, Inc. and our mission to Dunbar Cave State Park.
We promote, protect, and preserve the natural and cultural resources of Dunbar Cave State Park.
We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 6 pm to 7 pm at the park office, 401 Dunbar Cave Road, Clarksville, TN. Meetings feature a special program of interest to members with a different speaker monthly. Membership includes a complimentary cave tour. (Limits apply.)
Available Now!
The Dunbar Cave Virtual Reality Cave Tour Film.
To set up a time, go to the park office at 401 Old Dunbar Cave Road or call 931-648-5526
Open Now at the Dunbar Cave State Park Office
The Dunbar Cave Tour Film
The Dunbar Cave Tour Film is brought to you by Friends of Dunbar Cave, Inc. in partnership with Dunbar Cave State Park and One Day Entertainment, Humanities Tennessee and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Directed by Demetrius Hnarakis.
Park ranger John Ball, archaeologist Dr. Jan Simek of UT Knoxville, and indigenous historian Beau Carroll, from the Eastern Band of Cherokee, guide the viewers through Dunbar Cave. The tour views Mississippian dark zone cave art, stoke marks, and previously unprotected, hence vandalized, portions of the cave.
This project entails creating a 360-degree virtual reality film touring Dunbar Cave, making the experience available to those who are unable to participate in a traditional cave tour. The Dunbar Cave Virtual Reality Tour will be available at the park office in late Summer/Fall 2022.
The Friends of Dunbar Cave was named as a General Grant Recipient from Humanities Tennessee for this project. This project is funded in part by a grant from Humanities Tennessee, an independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The findings and conclusions of this film do not necessarily represent the views of Humanities Tennessee or of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Thank you to everyone who made this film possible.
Dunbar Cave Virtual Reality Cave Tour Filming

Dunbar Cave Virtual Reality Cave Tour Film. Friends of Dunbar Cave. One Day Entertainment, Inc. Dunbar Cave State Park. Filming Weekend, Nov. 12-14, 2021. Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton
Photo by Terry Morris

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount
Photo by Terry Morris

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount
Photo by Terry Morris

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount
Photo by Terry Morris

Photo by Amanda Blount
Photo by Lisa Sims. Pictured: Ranger John Ball, Dr. Jan Simek, and Beau Carroll

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton. Pictured Lisa Sims, Vice President of Friends of Dunbar Cave, Inc.

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Shana Thornton. Pictured, Crystal Day of One Day Entertainment, Inc., and Amanda Blount, Grant Committee Chair for Friends of Dunbar Cave.

Photo by Lisa Sims.
Photo by Amanda Blount.

Photo by Lisa Sims. Pictured: Shana Thornton, President Friends of Dunbar Cave; Demetrius Hranakis, Director; Amanda Blount, Grant Committee Chair of FODC; Crystal Day from One Day Entertainment, Inc.

Photo by Lisa Sims

Photo by Lisa Sims

Photo by Lisa Sims

Photo by Lisa Sims

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton
Photo by Terry Morris

Photo by Shana Thornton
Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Shana Thornton
Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Shana Thornton

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount

Photo by Amanda Blount
ClarksvilleNow Article Features
Friends of Dunbar Cave
ClarksvilleNow listed Friends of Dunbar Cave as one of the “10 nonprofits that are making a big difference in Clarksville” AUGUST 2023.
Here’s a link to the article:
Take Action
As a member you will be assisting us in our short and long term goals to encourage development that will protect and preserve the wilderness and recreation that Dunbar Cave State Park represents.
Membership Drive
JUNE 8, 2024
Friends of Dunbar Cave Hosts Membership Drive every year with Free Cave Tour Opportunity
The Friends of Dunbar Cave, Inc. (FODC) is hosting a membership drive on Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 9 a.m. until noon. People who become members of FODC that day will be given the opportunity to go on a free guided cave tour. The first 25 people to sign up at the membership drive, we be able to go on a free cave tour that afternoon, if the cave is open. Please, see the cave tour membership guidelines below:
Cave tours for new members will be open once regular tours open to the public. Due to the wet conditions and recent rain that caused flooding, cave tours may not have opened to the public yet. New members will call the park office to schedule your tour. 931-648-5526
If the tours are open the day of June 8, the first 25 new members to sign up that day, will have the option to go on a cave tour that afternoon.
A sign up sheet will be at the membership table on the morning of June 8, 2024, from 9 am until noon.
A family membership equals four spaces on the cave tour.
All the standard rules apply; one flashlight per person (no cell phones), must be at least five years old, no photography in the cave, tennis shoes or boots recommended.
On the morning of June 8, 2024, from 9 a.m. until noon, FODC members will be at the park office to talk about membership. Bring an appetite, they’ll be hosting a donation-based bake sale that morning, too. Additionally, they will be selling t-shirts as well as cards featuring a painting by Larry Richardson, and Christmas ornaments featuring photographs of Dunbar Cave by Jim Hancock, both longtime members.